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Sunday, October 30, 2011

third eye blind jumper

Hi to the NeoThink I am very thank full for having this excellent opportunity to move foreword to a greater  future for me and my family. and integrate with the world to the senses of building  value for the world to see  aging no more with genus  the NeoThink   society to bring the world in one harmony this is great stuff assume! I am looking foreword to see a long and proposer  future opportunity with the Neo Think Society .   great thing  happening  Growing up I always on observer, always searching for that missing links in life some think did not right about the way of life and I file that energy some think whose not I am destiny to search for the Truth. third eye blind jumper. You see I born in Kingston Jamaica growing up in Kingston Jamaica on it Essen a easy tease. their is full of illusion and to bet  this you most con see true the illusion of every think surround you and this whose my strait.i grow up as a disciplined child my mom techies em the bisect way of life. and i learn the golden rules of life bay observing the people attitude the Government beaver to the Community. an it is Hugely They influence the children in the community to kill each adder the Democrat and the republican they all do the same think over and over a-gen this is wear the Twelve Visions Party come in to save the world