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Monday, April 23, 2012


The prime law is the way to success, please read more about Mark Hamilton. it is for your own good. my destiny All my life I beaning searching for the truth about life  I read  bible new and  hold version and all I receive is negative or contrary vibe The churches and the governments all techs their Illusion to the world. The world is so Cart-up  in there illusion Over 300 year they trick the world with there allusion our parent and fort parent whose the victim they pass down the way their where tech to go to church and fair  God,  This is whey we  need the prime law to move forward to make our day  greater thanks to God man Mark Hamilton   for showing  the world they still have a value to move forward.   The rile truth start to expose Over 30 year ago went One of the greatest righter alive to day   Mark Hamilton START to right about the system  The           White-Collar The  bicameral Mentality and  Mysticism The Neothink Mentality and  the Neo-Tech                    This whose the greatest and still IS The greatest literature ever right to save the world and build a better future to let the people live happy and welty I am very thank full for having this excellent opportunity to move foreword to a greater  future for me and my family. and integrate with the world to the senses of building  value for the world to see  aging no more with genus  the NeoThink   society to bring the world in one harmony love you all Neothink Society.     “End the rule of man to launch the wealth of man kind

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

YouTube API Blog: New Player Options for Lists of Videos

YouTube API Blog: New Player Options for Lists of Videos: Most developers know that the YouTube embedded player can display a single video, but did you know that it can be used to display a list of ...

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Dear friend,  Loren Taylor Thank you for that warm welcome yeas you are right to see change we most put in that time take part in some activity create value to the  The TVP and the Prime Law Amendment can save our country. Nothing else I know of can. Real change will be dramatic and swift. But it won’t happen by itself. It takes you. It takes me. It takes us. let us do this change the  link   world for the best thank you Taylor the people vise